Multicolor pad printing printer is for a variety of structural forms, such as the shuttle work desktop style turntable work style, Tank-belt with a conveyor belt type .The printing area from the point of view, not much difference between them. Such as: the P2-406 shuttle pad printer and SP2-40610- two color pad printer machine, we can consider them the maximum print area is 85 * 130mm. Dimensions of the product have much tolerance do ? Obviously, due to the cycle of the turntable, the Maximum dimensions of the dial pad printer printed products than the shuttle pad printer is much smaller. Maximum dimensions of the dial pad printer printed products to ensure that the maximum size of the product can be non-interference in each other adjacent products and do not touch each other at the corner.
According to the design parameters, the maximum product size of the SP2-40610 conveyer pad printer printing roughly 110 * 160mm ; Maximum dimensions of the P2-406 pad printer printed products is 300 * 300mm. If the product Dimension exceeds 350mm * 350mm, even if the product can be placed on the workbench, printing can not be completed. Why this happen?
The reason is that the standard of the pad printing machine uses a rubber pad at the same time Pressing design ideas, if the shuttle to the location of the first color can not escape the rubber pad of the pad printing, then the product will be printed on without graphic. To this end, we have designed a rubber pad with independent imprint pad printer. Rubber pad embossed, the tolerance of the Dimension of its products will further increase